IRobot Roomba 680

IRobot Roomba 680
alaScore 89

59 anmeldelser

Jun 2024

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 59 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Folk kan virkelig godt lide værdien for pengene. Også brugervenligheden imponerer, men pålideligheden værdsættes ikke af anmeldere.

brugervenlighed, pris


Gennemsnitligt vurderede brugere dette produkt til 89/100.


(Baseret på 59 anmeldelser)


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Viser 1 - 10 af 59 Vis anmeldelser: på Dansk | på andre sprog

Brugeranmeldelse (

Fantastic product!


"This is my seocnd Roomba, the first one having lasted over 10 years giving an excellent performance. This newer model is excellent having better features as programming and cleans perfectly and autonomally. Excellent!! "

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (

Robo Vac


"Brilliant product. Ready to go out of the box and navigates about the furniture keeping my carpets in tip top condition. 'He' has become part of the family! Prompt delivery from AO and brilliant to have a one hour time slot which they kept to. "

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (

Really useful addition to the family!


"We were sceptical but willing to experiment when we bought this mid-range Roomba robot. In fact, it does a remarkably good job on its daily clean, routinely filling up its dust compartment. It manages wires OK (has only choked once, and it didn't...

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (

iRobot Roomba 600


"This is a great product, quietish can still watch tv while it's going, great suction and brushes beat the carpet better than I could hoover it myself, goes tight up to skirting boards, just brilliant. Wish I had purchased one a long time ago. The...

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (

iRobot Roomba 680


"Work's brilliantly on carpet and hard floors would definitely recommend this machine."

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (

Great Robtic Vacuum Without Unnecessary Smart Features


"Set & Forget is what this vacuum is all about. There is no need to download apps or setup complicated WiFi connections. You set the day & time using the simple buttons on top and the robot will clean for upto an hour then find it's way back home to...

Jan 2019

Brugeranmeldelse (



"I absolutely love this iRobot Hoover. I don't know how I lived without one. A must buy and very easy to use. "

Dec 2018

Brugeranmeldelse (

Best thing ever


"I'd been thinking about getting a Roomba for a while, but the price put me off. Got this on an excellent Black Friday deal and I have to say I haven't regretted it. I have two huge fluffy cats, and a full time job with a long commute (up to 5hr a day)...

Dec 2018

Brugeranmeldelse (

Excellent service


"Brilliant product, fast delivery and excellent service.........................."

Dec 2018

Brugeranmeldelse (

Our Robbie


"Pretty much just plug in and go and he gets on with the job. Has a tendency to get stuck under our sofa, but using the virtual wall has resolved that. Picks up well so its best used regularly and emptied after each use to maintain maximum efficiency....

Nov 2018

Prissammenligning for IRobot Roomba 680

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