Jabra Freeway

alaTest har samlet og analyseret 2904 anmeldelser fra magasiner og hjemmesider. Mange kan virkelig godt lide størrelsen. Også værdien for pengene imponerer, men folk er mindre positive med hensyn til pålideligheden.

brugervenlighed, pris, størrelse, design


Vi analyserede bruger- og ekspertratings, produktalder og andre faktorer. Sammenlignet med andre Trådløse Telefoner får Jabra Freeway en samlet alaScore™ på 94/100 = Fremragende kvalitet.


(Baseret på 2904 anmeldelser)



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Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Jabra Freeway


alaTest has collected and analyzed 292 user reviews of Jabra Freeway from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 3.9/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other Cordless Phones on Amazon.co.uk. Reviews about the design and size are overall positive. The price and usability also get good feedback, whereas there are some critical reviews about the reliability.

usability, price, size, design


83% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Jabra Freeway


alaTest has collected and analyzed 2024 user reviews of Jabra Freeway from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 3.9/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Cordless Phones on Amazon.com.

82% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.de)

Zusammenfassung der Amazon.de- Kundenbewertungen für Jabra Freeway


alaTest hat 269 Kundenbewertungen für Jabra Freeway von Amazon.de zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Schnurlose Telefone auf Amazon.de. Am positivsten ist den Testern die Größe und die Bedienbarkeit aufgefallen. Das Design wird ebenfalls positiv gesehen.

Bedienbarkeit, Größe, Design


84% der Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon.de bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.fr)

Résumé des avis d’ Amazon.fr sur Jabra Freeway


alaTest a collecté et analysé 93 avis de consommateurs sur Amazon.fr pour le produit Jabra Freeway. La note moyenne du produit est 3.9 sur 5, tandis que les autres Téléphones Fixes Sans Fil ont une note moyenne de 4.0 sur 5 sur Amazon.fr.

82% des avis sur Amazon.fr donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Jabra FREEWAY Haut-parleur Bluetooth pour Voiture NoirJabra FREEWAY Haut-parleur Bluetooth pour Voiture Noir

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.ca)

Amazon.ca review summary for Jabra Freeway


alaTest has collected and analyzed 31 user reviews of Jabra Freeway from Amazon.ca. The average user rating for this product is 3.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.3/5 for other Cordless Phones on Amazon.ca.

81% of the reviews on Amazon.ca give this product a positive rating.

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per Jabra Freeway


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 95 recensioni utente su Jabra Freeway da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 3.7/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri Cordless su Amazon.it.

81% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Denne sammenfatning er baseret på produkterne: Jabra Freeway sistema vivavoce Bluetooth, Controllo vocale inglese, NeroJabra Freeway sistema vivavoce Bluetooth, Controllo vocale inglese, Nero

Feb 2025

Brugeranmeldelse (amazon.es)

Resumen de comentarios en Amazon.es sobre Jabra Freeway


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 10 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto Jabra Freeway en Amazon.es. En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 3.5/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.0/5 de otros productos en la categoria Telefonía Inalámbrica en Amazon.es.

80% de los comentarios en Amazon.es otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Feb 2025

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Tim Ferrill (maximumpc.com)

Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Speakerphone Review


Expensive, and its form factor limits its utility to in-car use.

Expensive, and its form factor limits its utility to in-car use

Expensive, and its form factor limits its utility to in-car use

Sep 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Joseph Hanlon (cnet.com.au)

Jabra Freeway


Jabra Freeway is an easy recommendation, an excellent example of what a speakerphone should look and feel like and how one should work.

Excellent speakers ; Auto On and Off ; Voice control and feedback

Microphone a tad quiet ; Volume increments too large

If you don't have Bluetooth connectivity built into your car, the Freeway is an excellent way to go. The speakers are probably the best we've heard in a device like this, and extras like voice commands and auto on and off make this an easy recommendation.

Apr 2011

Reddot design award winner 2010!

Ekspertanmeldelse af : reddot (red-dot.de (UK))

Jabra FREEWAY Bluetooth Speakerphone


In contrast to numerous other in-car telephony solutions, the Freeway speakerphone, a Bluetooth-enabled device, is equipped with three speakers and virtual surround sound. Thanks to its broad, easily accessible controls and its voice control features,...

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Phil Nickinson (androidcentral.com)

Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Speakerphone review


When it comes to using your smartphone in the car, it's a tricky proposition. Hands-free is a must. And after that, it really becomes a point of actually having to use your phone -- o...

Mar 2012

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Matt (tech-reviews.co.uk)

Jabra Freeway In-Car Speakerphone Review


Jabra have been known to do high quality bluetooth accessories in the past and now that I have my hands on another one of their products I was glad to review it. The packaging was very professional and the outside of the box looked good. The product...

Overall this product is perfect for people not wanting a bluetooth headset, and something they can just clip on in their car. Sound quality is good and the voice commands are just perfect but could do with a few more.

Aug 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Abbas Jaffar Ali (tbreak.com)

Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Car Kit Review


A no-nonsense hands free car kit.

Sleek design, easy installation, great speaker quality, FM transmission is great for audio streaming

Voice commands heavily dependant on paired device, visor installation muffles voice if visor is used

The Jabra Freeway also supports Bluetooth streaming, which means you can activate your phone’s music player and have the audio streamed directly to the Freeway’s speaker. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, the Freeway also has an FM transmitter mode...

Aug 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Russell Holly (geek.com)

Review: Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Speaker


Jabra has long been considered one of the industry leaders when it comes to providing mobile communications accessories. Their Bluetooth headsets exist in such a wide range, it has often been said that there was something for everyone in Jabra's...

Jun 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Seow Tein Hee (hardwarezone.com)

First Looks: Jabra Freeway Speakerphone


We took the Jabra Freeway out for a spin to give you an idea how on hands-free this Bluetooth car speaker truly is with its voice-activated commands and motion-sensing feature.

So for the driver who's comfortable with having his phone conversation heard by the rest of the passengers, the Jabra Freeway's hands-free options and voice clarity definitely bring much to the table. Its high battery mileage, above-average voice...

Jun 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : Scott Schaen (chipchick.com)

Jabra Freeway In-Car Bluetooth Speakerphone Review


Jabra, the leader of the Hands-Free market, has recently launched a 3-speaker, virtual surround, all-in-one speakerphone. The Jabra Freeway easily clips to the visor and assists with crystal clear wireless phone calls and A2DP audio streaming. It even...

Sleek Design, Physical On/Off button, Speaker Gets Loud, Speaker Sounds Great at Moderate Levels, Easy-To-Use, Voice Commands, Latest Bluetooth Profiles, Micro-USB charger ; The Bad: Speaker gets worse at highest volume (more apparent with Music),...

Speaker gets worse at highest volume (more apparent with Music), Announced Callers were “Unknown

The Jabra Freeway Bluetooth Speakerphone is a safe and effective way to go hands-free in the car or in your home. It’s also considerably easier than using a bluetooth headset, and with a lot more features. The beautifully designed device is sleek,...

Jun 2011

Ekspertanmeldelse af : La Rédaction (cnetfrance.fr)

Démo du Jabra Freeway


Le Jabra Freeway est un kit mains-libres avec des 3 enceintes intégrées et des commandes vocales.

L’autonomie annoncée est de 14 heures en communication et de 40 heures en veille, que vous pourrez étendre grâce à son câble allume-cigare. Le prix de lancement du kit mains-libres Freeway de Jabra est de 129,99 euros.

Okt 2011

Prissammenligning for Jabra Freeway

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